The Edwin Proctor
Traveling Gavel

Home Page


The Edwin Proctor gavel is currently home at Sylvan Hills Lodge No. 754. Sylvan Hills holds their Stated Communications on the 1st Thursdays of the month..  Contact the Lodge by e-mail: Click Here

To contact Sylvan Hills Lodge regarding the Gavel: Click Here

Rules of Possession
Approved under Ruling, February 15, 1978
Of M:. W:. Brother Harris F. Mitchell, Grand Master of AR


The Proctor Gavel is the property of Sylvan Hills Lodge #754, and remains so regardless of location.  To encourage Masonic fellowship and visitation, any Arkansas Lodge, F. & A.M. chartered under the MW Grand Lodge of AR may claim the Gavel as follows:
Visit the Lodge currently possessing the Gavel at any regular meeting, either Stated or Called, with a minimum of ALL THREE principal officers and five other members in good standing of the claiming Lodge, eight total.
Provided, the Proctor Gavel may not leave the State of Arkansas.

When claiming the Gavel, please be sure you have the following items:
The Edwin Proctor Gavel, the display box, the log book, and the carrying bag.

Upon claiming the Gavel, we ask that the Secretary or Master notify Sylvan Hills Lodge, either by postal mail or e-mail
, of its whereabouts.
Sylvan Hills Masonic Lodge #754, P.O. Box 6221, Sherwood, AR    72124-6221
Please include your contact info, meeting times, and Lodge location.Also, please complete a page in the log book showing your time of possession.

The Story of the Gavel

The Gavel was made by Brother Edwin Proctor, a Missouri Mason, who made over 200 special presentation gavels for Masonic dignitaries, and special occasions.

This Gavel was presented to Brother George Sarringer, Worshipful Master of Sylvan Hills Lodge on September 4, 1976, by Horace M. Kreeger, Worshipful Master of Wyandotte Lodge #3, of Kansas City, MO on the occasion of a visit from Sylvan Hills Lodge, and the conferral of the Master's degree there, under dispensation from the respective Grand Masters.

The Gavel is made of solid cherry wood, obtained from an ancient house of a departed Brother.  At the time it was made in 1976, the wood in the Edwin Proctor Gavel was over 100 years old.