Sylvan Hills Masonic Lodge meets every Thursday evening, except Holidays, at the Lodge Hall in Sherwood, Arkansas.
Our Stated Communications (Business Meetings) are on the first Thursday of the month:
Dinner at 6:00 PM, meeting at 7:00 PM.
All other Thursday meetings start at 7:00 PM. (Dinner at 6:00 PM on Degree nights.)
This lodge is the only lodge of Freemasons meeting within the city limits of Sherwood, AR. In May of 2016, Mt. Sinai Lodge #749 merged with Sylvan Hills #754.
For a A Brief History of Sylvan Hills Masonic Lodge #754-Click Here
What do Freemasons Do?
Service is a key aspect of the mission of Sylvan Hills Masonic Lodge. The Lodge offers its members many different ways to be of service.
Internally; members are obligated to assist other members and their families in time of need. The most basic forms of Masonic activity are designed to help the members improve themselves, simply through participation.
Externally; Sylvan Hills Masonic Lodge is actively involved in several areas of community service. For many years, the Lodge has adopted needy families within Sherwood at Thanksgiving and Christmas, giving food and gift baskets to those who might not otherwise have cause to celebrate these holidays.
Beginning in 1996, Sylvan Hills Masonic Lodge started providing Christmas gifts for the pre-school children at North Hills Child Services. This has become an annual Christmas project of the Lodge. As the years have gone by, the Lodge's involvement with North Hills has grown. The masons have helped complete several physical improvement projects at the North Hills campus. This lead to a continuing project of providing "Handyman" work days at North Hills. In 2012, the Lodge helped prepare and man the school's Fall Festival.
Other Christmas projects in recent years have included donating to the Angel Tree at McCain Mall, and participating in the Sherwood Christmas Parade.
In 1999, the Lodge created a Scholarship Grant program that offers scholarships to Sylvan Hills High School Seniors, and/or relatives of Lodge members, up to $1200.00 annually.
Since 2010, the Lodge has been a participating group in the annual Walk for ALS at Dickey Stephens park.
In 1995, the Lodge was one of the first participants the City of Sherwood's "Adopt-A-Street" program, cleaning up all of Bear Paw Drive from Highway 107 to the area behind the High School Stadium. The Lodge faithfully performs this service monthly.
Membership in Sylvan Hills Masonic Lodge is available by application to men at least 21 years of age who meet requirements as set by the Grand Lodge, including: belief in one living God and immortality of the human soul, are not criminals, & unanimous election to membership by the Lodge. Click Here Now for Membership Information.